About Ollie


I am a 20 year old from Portland who likes plants and rain. I like reading, writing, and drawing. I also enjoy video games and watching media analysis videos on YouTube.

What I Enjoy Writing

I've always enjoyed imagining different worlds and creating characters. Most of my stories include heavy ammounts of world building. They also are character-driven and fit in the slice of life genre.

Favorite Book Series

My Interests in Video Games

I like how video games combine visuals and text. Players can interact with different worlds and influence the narrative. I may create video games in the future.

Favorite Video Game Series

  1. Pokemon
  2. Animal Crossing
  3. Kingdom Hearts

Me and Drawing

I like coming up with character designs. I want to go to an art school one day. At art school I want to learn more about character and background design so I can make a comic.